Chester – Chess Robot

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Chester The Twitter Chess Bot

This page is about the Chester (@chess_robot) twitter chess bot

Due to Twitter being a PITA, the chess robot will soon be moving to the messenger chat platform. So if you want to play Chester, then send him a message there. The instructions below are obsolete and will get updated for messenger shortly.

To start a new game, tweet: ‘Tweet ‘@chess_robot NEW w 5’ new means new game w/b is play as white or black and 5 is the difficulty level (how long the robot thinks about the move) with 1 easy and 10 difficult. The chess engine is garbochess, so its not impossible to beat for a change!

Chester will then tweet a board back to you your pieces are on the bottom. To move a piece Tweet a from-to move so to move the pawn at e2 to e4 Tweet ‘@chess_robot e2e4’. The (a-h)↦ position hint reminds you that positions are given from the botton left board corner. In the horizontal direction going from left to right the increase is alphabetic from A to H. So for example e2 is 5 columns from left (abcde). The (1-8)↥ hint reminds that the position up and down the board is given in numbers from the bottom row so e2 means two rows up (ie. second row pawn)

You can also tweet a starting FEN position for example
‘@chess_robot r1bqkb1r/ppp1pppp/2n2n2/3p4/8/N3P2N/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq -‘
This will set the board up with the pieces at the FEN position with you as the player in the FEN string w or b. For King/Rook Castling you move the king into the castle position and the bot will move the rook piece

Here is some example game play for the input fen rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq – and with b2b3 as your move. The intermediate debug output is given here for your info, but not seen on Twitter.

40 w KQkq -











Ply:1 Score:674 Nodes:39 NPS:13000 e5

Ply:2 Score:488 Nodes:1718 NPS:68720 Bg4 Be2

Ply:3 Score:578 Nodes:2230 NPS:71935 Bg4 Be2 Bf5

Ply:4 Score:317 Nodes:11902 NPS:125284 a6 Bb2 e5 Bd3

Ply:5 Score:524 Nodes:18435 NPS:161710 a6 Bd3 e5 Ng5 Bc5

Ply:6 Score:430 Nodes:44628 NPS:220930 a6 Bd3 e5 Bb2 Bg4 f3

Ply:7 Score:601 Nodes:217076 NPS:406509 e5 Bd3 a6 Bb2 Bc5 Ng5 O-O

1000 w KQkq e6









