Ejectamenta puzzles now as apps on Facebook

So far befuddled, KubicRube and Peg Solitare are on facebook as apps, here are some image links to the apps on facebook.


I am working on getting MegaTangram and Hexpac also on Facebook as apps and am working on functionality for sharing and swapping puzzles between friends at the moment. Here is a picture of how MegaTangram is looking at the moment (link not working at present as app in sandbox mode).

Facebook MegaTangram Preview

Tutorial using Matlab to show how to perform transforms in 3D from one coordinate system to another

For real world vision or Robotic operations it is sometimes necessary to transform between coordinates in different coordinate systems. In this tutorial we will transform a 3D spiral from one coordinate system to another. The coordinate systems are specified in terms of their position in Cartesian space and converted to a vectorial representation.

First let us create and display the spiral

t = 0:pi/50:10*pi;
st = sin(t);
ct = cos(t);

The spiral is in 3D but we need a 4D matrix to perform the matrix transformations, so we also add a row of ones to it

spiral = [st; ct; t; ones(501,1)']

Ok, lets plot the relevant data

plot3(spiral(1,:), spiral(2,:), spiral(3,:), 'b')

we use the hold on command to keep plotting to the same chart

hold on

We are going to translate this spiral from its world coordinates to another local coordinate system

the coordinates are specified by a matrix = [X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3, Z1, Z2, Z3]

world = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1]
local = [3,6,3;3,3,6;3,3,0]

The 3,3,0 in the last row (Z axis) of the matrix creates a 45 degree plane

Lets turn our local coordinate system into a vector

local_vector = zeros(3,3)
local_vector(:,1) = local(:,2)-local(:,1)
local_vector(:,2) = local(:,3)-local(:,1)
local_vector(:,3) = cross(local_vector(:,1),local_vector(:,2))

The vectors should be normalised to unit length like our world vector is

local_vector(:,1) = local_vector(:,1)/norm(local_vector(:,1))
local_vector(:,2) = local_vector(:,2)/norm(local_vector(:,2))
local_vector(:,3) = local_vector(:,3)/norm(local_vector(:,3))

Now we have to create our transform matrix using the dot product between our world and local vectors, this sets up the skew, reflection, rotation elements

transform = zeros(4,4)
transform(1,1) = dot(world(1,:), local_vector(1,:))
transform(1,2) = dot(world(1,:), local_vector(2,:))
transform(1,3) = dot(world(1,:), local_vector(3,:))
transform(2,1) = dot(world(2,:), local_vector(1,:))
transform(2,2) = dot(world(2,:), local_vector(2,:))
transform(2,3) = dot(world(2,:), local_vector(3,:))
transform(3,1) = dot(world(3,:), local_vector(1,:))
transform(3,2) = dot(world(3,:), local_vector(2,:))
transform(3,3) = dot(world(3,:), local_vector(3,:))

we also add the translated origin of our coordinate system to the last column of the matrix, this performs the X,Y,Z translation

transform(1,4) = local(1,1)
transform(2,4) = local(2,1)
transform(3,4) = local(3,1)
transform(4,4) = 1

So using our transform we can rotate the spiral by 45 degrees and translate it by 3 in X and 3 in Y

tspiral = transform*spiral;

let’s plot it in green next to the original spiral

plot3(tspiral(1,:), tspiral(2,:), tspiral(3,:), 'g')

(you might want to rotate the plot axis now to see the two spirals in 3D)

now to get it back again we use the inverse of our transformation matrix

tunspiralInv = inv(transform)*tspiral;

and plot it using markers so we can see the orginal spiral beneath

plot3(tunspiralInv(1,:), tunspiralInv(2,:), tunspiralInv(3,:), ‘r*’)

The plot should look like this

plot of spiral being translated between coordinate systems

For the mathematical details behind the transform, these MIT lecture notes provide an excellent explanation.

If you find the article useful, please feel free to post a link to it

Code2HTML web tool

Code2HTML is a webtool that allows you to convert computer code into a form suitable for webpages. Its a basic cut and paste job. It also colour convert /* */ style comments and encloses with “pre” and “code” html tags for correct displaying. Here you can see an example of converted php/smarty code .

Chemical Music: now at lower frequency audio

Since the chemical sounds generated at the actual frequency of their molecular vibrations sound a bit high pitched and unpleasant to listen to I have now regenerated the chemical audio at a quarter of their vibrational frequency as determined from the FTIR spectrum. You can switch between the normal and low frequency audio using the select control. The chemical sounds are deeper and more pleasant to listen to (actually kind of trippy!), more information can also be discerned and if the chemical audio was to be used, for instance in reaction monitoring, the low frequency audio would be more suitable for this purpose.

Colour your tangrams, user tangrams, or mosaic designs using the colour chooser control

On the bottom left of the tangram screen is a new colour chooser control. By clicking on this control different colours can be selected. By changing the scale control the brightness of the colours can also be changed. Once you find a colour that you like you can change the colour of the tangram shape by clicking on one of the shape types. You can also change the colour of the background by clicking on the background. By using different coloured pieces in the user tangram mode interesting mosaic designs can be created such as shown beloram mosaic”>

colour chooser control user tangram mosaic

By first clicking on the colour chooser and releasing the mouse button on the tangram piece (equivalent to dragging a colour from the colour chooser to a piece) each tangram piece in play can be individually coloured. The image below shows an example of individually coloured pieces used in a pattern.

user tangram colourful mosaic

To remove the colour from a piece click on the piece and release the mouse button on the puzzle area background. Setting the colour of an individual piece overrides the colour setting for the piece type. To restore the colour for the piece type remove the individual colour. If the piece type colour is removed, the colour of the piece type defaults to grey.

User tangram puzzles can now be saved and viewed in the user home page area

The user home page is a place where you can view all your completed puzzles. The tangram puzzle now has the ability to create your own tangram puzzles using unlimited amounts of the 7 tangram building block pieces.

To do this just click on the user tangram button in the top right corner of the MegaTangram screen and start building your tangram design. To save your user tangram click the button again. The new puzzle will be added to the user home page and also shown in the completed puzzle area on the top of the puzzle screen.

Full screen mode

The MegaTangram puzzle has a full screen mode that can be started by clicking on the full screen button. Clicking again on the button goes back to normal webpage mode (in Firefox you may need to use the escape key, on Opera by right clicking it can be found as a menu option).

Full screen mode has been tested and is working well using Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera (12.1) web browsers, it is untested on safari but should work, to my knowledge fullscreen mode is not supported by internet explorer browsers.

Unfortunately for those with iPads and Android tablets, the fullscreen API is not supported on mobile browsers is not supported to my knowledge, however since the webpage resizes to suit the browser page width you can anyway get close to full screen size.

button for full screen

more information on full-screen support can be found here

Construct your own tangram picture using as many shapes as needed

By clicking on the user tangram button a tangram picture can be designed. As many shapes as needed can be dragged from the bottom of the screen into the puzzle area to use making a pattern or picture. Zoom in and out and move the canvas around to give yourself more space in which to build. User tangrams can be seen on the user home page as well as in the MegaTangram game

Ejectamenta puzzle games have been tested to be working on a 7 inch Android tablet using the Google Chrome mobile browser

Ejectamenta.com html5 puzzle games have been tested on a low specification Android tablet using the Google Chrome mobile browser and, although full screen mode is not currently supported with this browser, everything works fine (Opera mini browser however still has some problems with touch screen input). Since full screen mode is not possible, game play can sometimes be tricky (Tangram Odyessy), however the new zooming and panning functionality allows for the accurate placement of pieces.