Welcome to the Ejectamenta website

Ejectamenta free online HTML5 puzzle games

This website contains the free online HTML5 puzzle games: MegaTangram (a tangram game), hexpac (a hexominos packing game), Enigmatic puzzle, befuddled and PegSolitare. They work great with any modern browser, However they are sometimes being worked on so may have temporary glitches or present new features from time to time.

The website is currently being migrated from a CMSMS website, the two CMS systems are quite different, I’m still working on implementing the functionality and some things may not work correctly.

Hope you enjoy it



HTTPS security of site

Security of ejectamenta website using SSL and https

Now main user login, user home page and puzzle pages are secured by SSL/https system. Not all pages are using https however, so check when using the quick login fields by the menu bar if you want to be extra secure. Using https is needed for facebook apps so hopefully the puzzles will soon be available on Facebook as well.

SSL Certificate

RhythmSticks Drumming App

New app that simulates an online drumkit: includes different drum loudness/sound types (ie bell sounds, open hihat), quality drumkit sampling and recording rhythms as a musical score.

The RhythmSticks app is a simulation of a 5 piece drum kit using quality sampled drum sounds. The sounds have 6 zones of loudness which are increased by hitting the drum near the center (or at the edge for the cymbals). The hihat has partially and fully open sounds and a foot splash or tap, The 24 inch ride cymbal has additional bell sounds. Cymbals are hihat, 18 & 16 inch crashes, 18 & 24 inch rides, 6 inch splash and a 22 inch china.

Click the metronome and time is started now when you play the drums the score reflects the drums hit and the rhythm played is recorded. To play your recorded score click again on the metronome, you can even add extra beats as it is is being replayed.

The mouse may not be the best device to play the drums with and by entering the menu (top left button) the keyboard keys can be mapped to the drums

The WebAudio API used for this app is pretty new technology so you will need a recent browser for the app to work, on a tablet you will probably need a recent model and the latest browser (ie. chrome beta).

Also available on facebook

For more information on browser support see: Can I use Web Audio API

The RhythmSticks drumming app this is what the RhythmSticks drum app looks like

Printable calendar

I have made an online printable calendar web application. You can upload a different photo for each month and add custom events like birthdays to the months. The calendar you create from your images can be downloaded as a pdf file for home printing. It can also be installed from the Google Chrome store.

online printable calendar

The calendar shows country specific holiday dates and is available (and translated) for the following countries:

  • Australia |
  • Austria |
  • Brazil |
  • Croatia |
  • Czech |
  • Denmark |
  • Discordian |
  • British |
  • Finland |
  • Germany |
  • Iceland |
  • Ireland |
  • Italy |
  • Japan |
  • Netherlands |
  • Norway |
  • Portugal |
  • Romania |
  • SanMarino |
  • Serbia |
  • Slovenia |
  • Spain |
  • Sweden |
  • Turkey |
  • United Nations Organisation |
  • USA |
  • Ukraine |
  • Venezuela |

* There maybe some errors in the translation – these are due to inconsistencies in the locale packages of PHP frameworks used.

Visualisation of irrational numbers as vectors

Beauty in irrationality?

Plotting irrational numbers (pi, e, sqrt2, golden ratio) as vectors allows their complexity to be visualised

I have always wanted to visualise irrational numbers. Our brains are capable of recognising patterns in nature and I wanted to know if these patterns could be visualised in irrational numbers, and whether beautiful patterns could be seen that could lead to an further understanding of the irrational nature of the numbers. Just found out after publishing this article that the idea has been round for a while! (here is an interesting blog article). Here I have extended the technique to 3 dimensions for better visualisation and give results and computer code.

Experimental Technique

In this experiment the fractional parts of the irrational numbers, pi, e, sqrt2 and golden ratio are transformed into vectors in cartesian space for visualisation purposes. Each digit of the number sequence (from left to right) is transformed into a spatial vector with unit length. The orientation is calculated from the number as: angle = (digit/10)*2*pi. Sine and cosine functions are used to derive a position in the cartesian plane relative to the position of the previous digit (see code below for more details). As the irrational number is described to greater precision its decimal place increases, this occurs on the number string from left to right. As we are traversing the number sequence this corresponds to increasing time steps of the number analysis. On the plots the sequence position of the digit (its decimal place) is colour coded using a heat mapping (blue->red on increasing significant digits). The 3D plots also gives the sequence position of the digit on the Z axis, this helps to separate overlapping sequences in cartesian space.


These plots are the results of the analysis, please click them for more detail

2D plot of pi as vector 3D plot of pi as vector
Fractional part of pi as a vector (colour blue->red (and Z axis) represents increasing number of decimal places) click to see enlarged image.
2D plot of pi as vector 3D plot of pi as vector
Fractional part of goldenratio as a vector (colour blue->red (and Z axis) represents increasing number of decimal places) click to see enlarged image.
2D plot of pi as vector 3D plot of pi as vector
Fractional part of sqrt2 as a vector (colour blue->red (and Z axis) represents increasing number of decimal places) click to see enlarged image.
2D plot of e as vector 3D plot of e as vector
Fractional part of e (natural logarithm base) as a vector (colour blue->red (and Z axis) represents increasing number of decimal places) click to see enlarged image.

Here is a vector plot of 1 million random number generated numbers

2D plot of e as vector 3D plot of e as vector
Random numbers as a vector (colour blue->red (and Z axis) represents random digits in time generated by the Octave random number generator) click to see enlarged image.

Data and Matlab/Octave computer code

Below is the Matlab/Octave code used for generating the plots. Data can be downloaded here: pi, e, golden ratio, sqrt2 (data is without decimal point!)

function  irrational_number_plot_as_vector(filepathname)
%   requires file name containing string of irrational number delete decimal point from string ie 3.14... -> 314... 

% read text file containing number
format = "%1c"

fileID = fopen('pi.txt','r');

p = fscanf(fileID, format);


% convert character string to matlab array
for i=1:length(p); _p(i)  = str2double(strcat(p(i),".0")); end

% create arrays for plotting
x_array = zeros(1,length(_p));
y_array = zeros(1,length(_p));

% polar angle
for i=2:length(_p); x_array(i) = x_array(i-1)+cos((_p(i-1)/10.0)*2.0*pi); y_array(i) = y_array(i-1)+sin((_p(i-1)/10.0)*2.0*pi); end

% surface plot with z axis and colour blue->red as increased fractional part
h = surface([x_array(:), x_array(:)], [y_array(:), y_array(:)], [[1:length(_p)]', [1:length(_p)]'], [[1:length(_p)]', [1:length(_p)]'], 'EdgeColor','flat', 'FaceColor','none');


Tablets and mobile phones now supported

Ejectamenta puzzle games have been tested to be working on a 7 inch Android tablet using the Google Chrome mobile browser

Ejectamenta.com html5 puzzle games have been tested on a low specification Android tablet using the Google Chrome mobile browser and, although full screen mode is not currently supported with this browser, everything works fine (Opera mini browser however still has some problems with touch screen input). Since full screen mode is not possible, game play can sometimes be tricky (MegaTangram), however the new zooming and panning functionality allows for the accurate placement of pieces.

Upload tangram image to facebook

Now you can upload an image featuring your completed tangrams to facebook

There is a new feature on MegaTangram called “create tangram picture” it is accessible either from the menu or by double clicking on one of your completed tangrams in the top of the screen. You must be logged or have completed some puzzles to add them to the canvas area. Any completed tangrams can be used as stamps and individually resized and re-coloured. An image can also be uploaded and used as the picture background. Once you are happy with the picture it can be send to facebook using the facebook upload button (directly above the zoom control).

How to migrate a wordpress website to a new server using softaculous

How to migrate a wordpress installation to a new server using softaculous

1) Perform website backup with softaculous, download file

2) Upload to /home/USERNAME/softaculous_backups directory on new server (check file dir permissions are not restrictive (eg chmod -> dir 755 file 644)

3) Find similarly named info file in /home/USERNAME/.softaculous/backups on old server, download file

4) Modify info file, change softpath to actual PATH used on new server, change softdbuser to DATABASEUSER on new server (you may have to create new user and associate with DB), update softdbpass with new DATABASEUSER’s PASSWORD

5) Upload the modified info file to /home/USERNAME/.softaculous/backups/ on new server

6) You should now be able to see backup file on new server in softaculous and successfully restore from backup

You probably have to change the wordpress config file to reflect the new usernames, paths etc.